New Release: Tha Silent Partner returns with Platters 4!

Cover of Tha Silent Partner's 'Platters, Act 4: A Suite For John M'

Tha Silent Partner returns to blocSonic with the latest (perhaps final?) in his series of Platters releases. This time he’s prepared for you “Platters, Act 4: A Suite For John M”, a fantastic collection of sounds that he created using a selection of vinyl lent to him by a good friend of his, John Marceline.

Whether or not you’re already a TSP fan or you’re discovering his music for the first time, take a few moments to sit back and enjoy the ill grooves. When you’re done with it and you haven’t already checked out the rest of the Platters series, do so. You won’t be disappointed.

Thanks again to Gregory ‘Tha Silent Partner’ Davis for another one!

Thanks to you for listening! Remember… everything we release is cool to share! Always keep the music moving… share it… blog it… podcast it! If you’re in radio… support independent music and broadcast it!

Download your free copy of “Platters, Act 4: A Suite For John M”.

CONGRATULATIONS to John M on becoming a dad yesterday!

Mike Gregoire