“nanowar” News

New release: Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011. Ladies & gents… netBloc Vol. 31!

2010 has been an incredible year for blocSonic. We’ve had Boots Riley on ETHX’ “Boom to Bloom” and Chuck D on Just Plain Ant’s “Rumble, Young Man, Rumble”. We’ve released our first indie and pop albums with Friends or Whatever’s self-titled debut, Garmisch’s self-titled blocSonic debut and Liam St…… Read “New release: Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011. Ladies & gents… netBloc Vol. 31!”

NanowaR deliver’s the Truest Power Metal 5 For Insight That Humanity Has Ever Known!

So… since you didn’t download netBloc Vol. 18’s 42 page liner-note booklet… this interview will be new to you. You'll never experience another more powerful truer metal mini-interview by blocSonic in November 2008… ever… again. I give you… NanowaR. 01 - Why free music? Because this allows me to dow…… Read “NanowaR deliver’s the Truest Power Metal 5 For Insight That Humanity Has Ever Known!”

Introducing netBloc Vol. 18: frais, fresco, frisch, fresh… mmmmmmmmmmm… good

After taking a much needed month off from releasing, we’re back with another fresh batch of netaudio gems. Even with the month off, it was a bit of a bumpy ride pulling this together. During the process of attempting to acquire permissions and assets, we were unable to finalize on four original trac…… Read “Introducing netBloc Vol. 18: frais, fresco, frisch, fresh… mmmmmmmmmmm… good”

Introducing Tuesday Reviews

This is something I've wanted to do for a while though wasn't exactly sure how to approach it. Did I want to extensive reviews of one album at a time or smaller reviews in groups? Well, I decided on bite-size reviews in groups of 3 at a time. I hope you find these useful. Abstracode "Cocaine Ways"…… Read “Introducing Tuesday Reviews”