“news” Posts

Introducing blocSonic’s fourth original release!

Hip-hop is an incredibly diverse musical genre that has a bad reputation no thanks to the American mainstream branch of it. People who write-off hip-hop as idiotic, materialistic, violent or misogynistic are only getting a small slice of what it’s about. Since hip-hop has become international there are a wide… Read more

If Metallica can do it…

…then we can too. Releasing on Friday that is. netBloc Vol. 17 was to be released on the 1st, though we're still waiting for a couple bits of info from participants. In the meantime... give netBloc Vol. 16 a few more listens :) Read more

Fresh Josh Woodward news

You all may recall Josh Woodward who was featured on netBloc Vols. 8, 12 & 15. He's got the following news to share: Greetings, everyone! It's been a while since I've had a show to announce, but I decided to break the hiatus to play one show at Coffee Amici… Read more

Let's get social... come rub elbows with blocSonic!

blocSonic has recently made itself available on many social networks in an effort to make some of our background workings more transparent. When is a netBloc being worked on? What state is a future netBloc in? What are we downloading or listening to? All that and more can be followed… Read more