New release: The netBloc series returns with Vol. 38 "Sojourn In A Sonic Odyssey"!

Cover of 'netBloc Vol. 38: Sojourn In A Sonic Odyssey'

After 38 volumes of the netBloc series, you could say that listening to each volume is like a quick stop in an ongoing odyssey of sonic discovery into the world of netlabels and netaudio. Each volume brings with it a finely crafted potpourri of artists, labels and genres. Take this volume, for example. In it you’ll find yourself listening to electronic music by et_ coming out of Russia and then immediately following that, an electronic gem by Normaa, coming to you out of Spain. This stop-over will bring you hip-hop from Philadelphia & Quebec; downtempo from Virginia; dubstep from Morocco; electronic from Germany, Ireland, Lebanon, Russia & Spain; plunderphonics by a gentleman named Vernon LeNoir who could be from time itself, we just don’t know; indie-pop from The Netherlands, Sweden & England via Australia. In this world of netaudio, you won’t find cookie cutter music, you’ll find music made for the love of making music. Enjoy the journey. When you can, support the artists and labels you love.

Remember… everything we release is cool to share! Always keep the music moving… share it… blog it… podcast it! If you’re in radio… support independent music and broadcast it!

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Mike Gregoire