Creative Commons News

New release: Welcome back to blocSonic… JOEY RIPPS!

Hailing from Richmond, Virginia, Joey Ripps is part of the multi-talented Just Plain Sounds crew. Depending on how much you follow blocSonic, there’s a chance that you’re familiar with JPS. If you aren’t, let me tell you that they’re quite simply the most prolific and talented hip-hop squad in the…… Read “New release: Welcome back to blocSonic… JOEY RIPPS!”

New release: Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011. Ladies & gents… netBloc Vol. 31!

2010 has been an incredible year for blocSonic. We’ve had Boots Riley on ETHX’ “Boom to Bloom” and Chuck D on Just Plain Ant’s “Rumble, Young Man, Rumble”. We’ve released our first indie and pop albums with Friends or Whatever’s self-titled debut, Garmisch’s self-titled blocSonic debut and Liam St…… Read “New release: Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011. Ladies & gents… netBloc Vol. 31!”

New release: Introducing Liam Stewart's "Sixteen Words"

Since first deciding to release original albums here, I intended blocSonic to release an eclectic range of music and with each new original, I think we’re reinforcing that intention. Since the beginning I’ve been amazed at the caliber of artists that have either approached us or agreed to release…… Read “New release: Introducing Liam Stewart's "Sixteen Words"”

Care to know more about blocSonic?

Check out the latest interview I've done with the great guys over at A Maine based podcast that covers music related topics in each episode. Our conversation goes into depth about what exactly blocSonic is, Creative Commons and that most-excellent open-source audio format, FLAC…… Read “Care to know more about blocSonic?”

New release: Setting the mood with netBloc Volume 30: aldartea

Love of music is what the netBloc series is about. It’s not about hatred of the mainstream music industry, even though it may seem so sometimes (no matter how much I am against everything that the music industry represents these days). The fact of the matter is that there are artists, worldwide, w…… Read “New release: Setting the mood with netBloc Volume 30: aldartea”

New release: The Swedish pop sound of Garmisch "Glimmer"

Everytime I come across incredible pop music from Sweden, I wonder if there’s something in the water that makes such a large of number of that nation’s songwriters and musicians have such a firm grasp on what it is that makes tasty pop music. Back in 2007 while putting together a netBloc release,…… Read “New release: The Swedish pop sound of Garmisch "Glimmer"”