Podcast News

New release: Introducing Joey Ripps’ “The Son of 1,000 Pardons”, hip-hop done well

In the early 80s, while in my teens, I first heard hip-hop music and it was for me… there was simply something about it that spoke to me. It was the future. It was exciting and fresh. A musical genre in its infancy that was finding its way… learning who it was. It grew up over the years… it evolve…… Read “New release: Introducing Joey Ripps’ “The Son of 1,000 Pardons”, hip-hop done well”

New release: Welcome back to blocSonic… JOEY RIPPS!

Hailing from Richmond, Virginia, Joey Ripps is part of the multi-talented Just Plain Sounds crew. Depending on how much you follow blocSonic, there’s a chance that you’re familiar with JPS. If you aren’t, let me tell you that they’re quite simply the most prolific and talented hip-hop squad in the…… Read “New release: Welcome back to blocSonic… JOEY RIPPS!”

New release: Introducing Liam Stewart's "Sooner"

For this second and final single promoting Liam’s incredible album “Sixteen Words” we continue our dedication to the maxi-single format with another seven exclusives! Among them are two previously unreleased songs which only add to the terrific body of work he’s released through blocSonic, four gr…… Read “New release: Introducing Liam Stewart's "Sooner"”

New release: Introducing Liam Stewart and the first single, Bird Of Prey

“Bird Of Prey” is your first taste of what Liam Stewart and blocSonic have in store for you with the release of the album “Sixteen Words” on November 30th. If you dig indie-pop music packed with lush melodies, moody vocals and a rock edge then you definitely need to check the album when it drops!…… Read “New release: Introducing Liam Stewart and the first single, Bird Of Prey”

New release: With the final Garmisch maxi-single the exclusives keep coming

If you haven’t figured it out by now, each original blocSonic album release is promoted via two maxi-single releases. With each single, we draw you in with very tasty exclusives. Garmisch’s “Facing the Sea” is no different. In fact, this one comes packed with six! On it you’ll find a previously un…… Read “New release: With the final Garmisch maxi-single the exclusives keep coming”

New release: Enjoy 10 tracks of gorgeous Swedish electropop. Enjoy Garmisch!

If you missed the release of the maxi-single “Glimmer” a couple weeks ago, you may have missed a bit of the background about this great band. Based out of Malmö, Sweden, they’ve been together for about six years now. In that time, they’ve released a couple incredible EPs on the Swedish netlabel Go…… Read “New release: Enjoy 10 tracks of gorgeous Swedish electropop. Enjoy Garmisch!”