“black sweater white cat” News
Black Sweater, White Cat and BlocSonic presents - netBloc Vol. 7: 10 From 200 plus one
Well it's finally here! I've been trying to get it released for the past two weeks, but complications occurred that made it impossible to do. Regardless, this is a terrific collection none-the-less. It's a bit different in that it's co-presented with Black Sweater, White Cat (BSWC), a terrific blog…… Read “Black Sweater, White Cat and BlocSonic presents - netBloc Vol. 7: 10 From 200 plus one”
Congratulations Black Sweater, White Cat!
I'd like to congratulate Black Sweater, White Cat on a job well done in introducing us to 200 selections from the world of net audio via their One-A-Day blog posts! I look forward to hearing the next 200! Now that Black Sweater, White Cat (BSWC) have reached this milestone, I'd like to announce tha…… Read “Congratulations Black Sweater, White Cat!”
An infrastructure for take-over
UPDATED 5/30/2007 In the world of net audio, much is going on. New netlabels pop up every day. ccMixter's contests draw more and more remixers into their fray. Jamendo continually boasts new CC'd albums. New netlabels/releases are are frequently being added to Internet Archive. I think that it's sa…… Read “An infrastructure for take-over”