“bxyunggz” News
GLD8TRZ return with Bloody Ruinz in their wake
Going on two years ago, a new under the underground supergroup arrived at blocSonic with their debut EP Gladiator Muzik. Today, GLD8TRZ return with another six bangers on their second EP Bloody Ruinz! With this installment, KIN and BADLUCK also known as KIN/LUCK, Breez, BxYungGz (and some help from…… Read “GLD8TRZ return with Bloody Ruinz in their wake”
New Release: The arrival of GLD8TRZ… a force for good!
Here we go! Dope music to close out that work week with! This time we’re introducing GLD8TRZ, a dope new squad of EMCEES who’ve delivered “Gladiator Muzik”… an EP packed with dope beats & rhymes. Zero mumbling. So who are they? GLD8TRZ are a squad of hip-hop lyricists consisting of KIN and BADL…… Read “New Release: The arrival of GLD8TRZ… a force for good!”