“electrofunk” News

Enjoy netBloc Vol. 26: N.E.T.A.U.D.I.O.

I want to first send out a heartfelt Happy New Year to you all! May 2010 be a year in which we all set the wheels in motion for a positive and happy decade. For blocSonic, our first year featuring original releases was a good one and it was the year that we began planning the good things to come…… Read “Enjoy netBloc Vol. 26: N.E.T.A.U.D.I.O.”

The winds of change are blowing... it smells like a revolution!

Volume 16 has arrived! Another terrific collection of 10 netaudio gems from the world over. Now that it’s arrived, I can fill you in on behind-the-scenes type stuff. In between netBloc related tasks, I’ve been busy seeking out the best PHP framework to utilize in the development of the next version…… Read “The winds of change are blowing... it smells like a revolution!”

Introducing the Sweet Sixteen to the world... netBloc Vol. 16!

Here you have it, a fresh release for your aural enjoyment. Pop, Hip-Hop, Rock, Dance, Indie, Electronic, Trip-Hop... United States, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Argentina, Mexico, Italy, Belgium, France... Diversity? You bet. Part of the enjoyment of netaudio/netlabels comes from the fact that FINA…… Read “Introducing the Sweet Sixteen to the world... netBloc Vol. 16!”