
New release: Garmisch are back with a re-release of their first two EPs and much more!

Before Garmisch released their debut album via in 2010, they released two great EPs via the now defunct netlabel “Go! Jukebox”, “Black Paint EP” and “The Münich EP”. What you’ll find in this great Xtended Edition release are those two EPs, for the first time available in a lossless aud…… Read “New release: Garmisch are back with a re-release of their first two EPs and much more!”

New release: BADLUCK is back with his first single “Infinity”

Ladies & gents, let me introduce you to BADLUCK. You may better know him as one half of Luck & Ripps who released their album “The Catastrophic Connection” right here at blocSonic, back in 2009. He’s returned to turn you onto what he’s been working on as a solo artist. He comes to you repr…… Read “New release: BADLUCK is back with his first single “Infinity””

New release: netBloc Vol. 34, the reboot!

Welcome back to another volume of our eclectic netBloc series, “netBloc Vol. 34: The Whitewash”! It sure has been a while. For those of you who regularly download these compilations, I want to apologize for the mess that was “netBloc Vol. 34: ccMixter Strike’s The Root”. Just looking at that title…… Read “New release: netBloc Vol. 34, the reboot!”

New release: Just Plain Ant’s “Nothing Begets Nothing EP”

Here’s the second single for Just Plain Ant’s “[albumtitle]”. This time around it’s more of an EP with 3 new exclusives! Among which is one of my recent favorites of his, “No Desire To Speak”. Thanks to all who’ve already grabbed the first single “The Bridge (Featuring Sleaze)” and the album. If…… Read “New release: Just Plain Ant’s “Nothing Begets Nothing EP””

New release: Just Plain Ant’s “[albumtitle]”

The beautiful thing about music, whether you’re a listener or you’re a creator, is the process of discovery. This project was just that for Anthony Gillison aka Just Plain Ant. Along the way, it’s taken him on a journey which ultimately led him to new sonic territory. At times dark, other times fu…… Read “New release: Just Plain Ant’s “[albumtitle]””

Call for remixers: Remix Swedish electropop artist Garmisch and be included on their forthcoming remix album!

This is a quick update to let you know that we’re still looking for talented remixers to be part of the upcoming Garmisch EP/Remix collection. Keep reading for a bit of background info, or jump to the end and use the link to visit the invite page for complete details. Before Garmisch came to bloc…… Read “Call for remixers: Remix Swedish electropop artist Garmisch and be included on their forthcoming remix album!”