News for 2015

fortyFive Friday: New music by Marco Mestichella!

Things have been rather quiet here at blocSonic over the past couple months. I decided to hunker down and get on with trying to wrap up work on the new website. However, to tide you over, here’s a new fortyFive by by Marco Mestichella, for you to enjoy! Thanks to Marco, Joe Rodwell and Claudia H…… Read “fortyFive Friday: New music by Marco Mestichella!”

fortyFive Friday: We kick off 2015 with another one by Marco Mestichella!

I want to start off by wishing a very Happy New Year to each and every one of you! 2014 was a hell of a year here at blocSonic, packed with great music… and we’ve got more where that came from. A new website is on the way, hopefully within the next couple months. New members of the blocSonic famil…… Read “fortyFive Friday: We kick off 2015 with another one by Marco Mestichella!”