A quick hello

Hi everyone... I'm just writing a little something to let you all know what's currently going on behind the scenes. I'm hard at work developing a useful utility that'll make a terrific addition to blocSonic for those of you who would like to further explore net audio. It should be implemented some time in April.

I'm also preparing netBloc vol 4 which is promising to be scorcher! There are some amazing tracks on it.

In addition to that, I'm working on a new feature that should keep you discovering new net audio in between netBloc releases. I won't say more than that, but keep an eye out for it. I hope to have it ready in the next 3-4 days.

Thanks again to everyone who has downloaded the netBloc releases so far! The response has exceeded expectations thus far.

Once again, a huge thank you to the blogs who have shined the spotlight on blocSonic and our netBlocs. Please visit them to discover more net audio gems: