Behind “Anti-Love (Featuring Sleaze)”

The following is an excerpt from page 9 of the “Dig Deep” PDF booklet… Sleaze had been going through some things with some friends and it seemed like it was a really rough stage for him, so I figured what better way to help him than to give him an outlet. As you’ll hear when you listen to this track, you’ll notice that he put a lot of emotion into it. I let Jay hear it and he knew pretty much immediately that it was his favorite song off of the album. E did the same thing. The way I see it is that if you use music as an outlet, people will feel your every word completely. I know people that just whine and cry about their problems. I’m not gonna lie. That shit becomes a bother after a while. “Anti Love” makes me wish more people could write songs (and not on some emo shit, just honesty).If you haven't already done so, download “Dig Deep” in FLAC or MP3 formats. While you're at it… grab the complete album art and PDF booklet!