The new!

Hello. I’m incredibly happy to welcome you to the 2015 incarnation of! This new website was a very long time in the making and it sets things up for more exciting things to come!

All the way back in 2011, it was clear to me that the website needed a complete overhaul and I immediately began work on it. Little did I know then that it would take a couple different designs, multiple php frameworks, a complete overhaul of the underlying data structure and about 4 years before it would finally be completed.

Well, here we are… what are you waiting for? Check it out. Play some music while you browse the site. Perhaps artist radio (which can be found on our artists overview page and individual artist pages)? Check out our new “Collections” section with the first collection “The Impossebulls’ EHCNID Era” (More collections to come). Or maybe you want to browse our releases by year, genre or Creative Commons license? We’ve also implemented much needed search functionality.

This new site is incredibly complex with all kinds of javascript based goodies like the sitewide audio player and it’s so new, fresh and so clean… so as such, you might run into a bug of some sort. If you do, contact us with as many details as you can (operating system, browser, browser version… etc.).

Oh… and in case you were wondering why we haven’t released any netBloc releases yet this year… they entail such an immense amount of work to produce that I just couldn’t prepare any while I wrapped up work on the new site. Thus… the netBloc series returns in July!

Mike Gregoire