New release: Dr. Mindflip invades your system with "A Brand New You"!

Cover of Dr. Mindflip 'A Brand New You'

Today we’ve got a treat for you that goes by the name of Dr. Mindflip. Imagine, if you will, Nick Cave being held hostage by Frank Zappa and the Pixies in deep space… well that comes a little close to what “A Brand New You” sounds like. Sinister, hallucinogenic pop that is at times delivered in unsettlingly-intimate piano melodies.

Go ahead, listen… one word of advice, though… you’ll soon find Mindflip’s music slowly seeping into you, rooting around under your skin. Surely, this parasite may be of the friendly sort, but it’s invasive!

A very special thanks to Chema Mendez for the incredible cover illustration & original cover concept and to Lorc for the icons!

A huge thanks to Dr. Mindflip for coming aboard! Welcome to the blocSonic fam!

As always, thanks to you, for downloading and listening! We know your time is important and we truly appreciate the fact that you’re taking a few moments out of your day to hear the latest sounds. Please spread the word about blocSonic, if you enjoy what we do. Remember… everything we release is cool to share! Always keep the music moving… share it… blog it… podcast it! If you’re in radio… support independent music and broadcast it!

Download your free copy of “A Brand New You”.

Mike Gregoire
Founder/Curator blocSonic