New release: Hey You Guys! Cheese N Pot-C drops their latest single

Today we’re closing out this month of FRESH hip-hop with the help of Cheese N Pot-C and their great new single, Hey You Guys. For those of us who were kids during the early to mid 70s… the phrase “Hey You Guys!” conjures up memories of tuning in to Electric Company, an incredibly popular kids show on PBS, at the time. If you count yourself among the Electric Company generation, this single’s title will surely bring you back, as does the chorus from the title track and a couple of the remixes.

However, if you have no idea what the hell Electric Company is, don’t fret… the dopeness doesn’t hinge on the nostalgic memories of youth. Just turn it on, crank it up and tune out the crazy world for a short time.

Once again, a huge thank you goes out to Cheese N Pot-C and their collaborators for this month’s injection of dope hip-hop!

Of course, thanks once again to you for downloading & listening. We always strive to deliver the music you’ll love. Please spread the word about blocSonic, if you enjoy what we do. Remember… everything we release is cool to share! Always keep the music moving… share it… blog it… podcast it! If you’re in radio… support independent music and broadcast it!.

Download your free copy of Hey You Guys!

Mike Gregoire