Tha Bloc Report for December arrives and Mos Emvy drops his debut EP for blocSonic!

Here we are… another Friday packed with great stuff for you to enjoy!

First thing’s first… for the past couple years, Mos Emvy has breen delivering his music two tracks at a time via our fortyFive format. Today, he’s got more for you to enjoy with his debut blocSonic EP! Six tracks featuring his unique blend of electronic and trap… “Mantra” continues to expand on the sound we’ve been getting to know since 2016. Growth is good… music is good… bump these joints… enjoy.

Hey Mos… great work on Mantra! Great to be able to release your first blocSonic EP!

Also today… you remember that time when that Warner brother interviewed the other? No, not THAT Warner brother, the other one. No? Oh… foolish me, that time is in fact this time… the time when Pot-C is interviewed. “But wait”, you say, “surely he’s not interviewing himself??” Nah… his brother Cheese steps up as interviewer and deftly pries all the factuals from him.

As usual, you can expect great music straight from blocSonic’s Tha Bloc Report charting system and gems from the deep blocSonic catalog!

We hope you’ve been regularly tuning in to and enjoying the blocCast. Pot-C’s been doing some great work shining the light on our catalog, we’re sure you’ll discover something new. Tune in and enjoy.

Of course, thanks once again to you for downloading & listening. We always strive to deliver the music you’ll love. Please spread the word about blocSonic, if you enjoy what we do. Remember… everything we release is cool to share! Always keep the music moving… share it… blog it… podcast it! If you’re in radio… support independent music and broadcast it!

Download your free copy of Mantra.

Listen to & download Tha Bloc Report Episode 4: That time when that Warner brother interviewed the other one

Mike Gregoire