blocSonic News
New release: The Cassette Tape Bandits' Rapper Exchange Program!
Today it’s really fresh to be able to present to you, Rapper Exchange Program, the DOPE debut album by Pot-C (of Cheese N Pot-C) and C-Doc (of The Impossebulls) otherwise known as Cassette Tape Bandits. You know that goo time vibe you got while listening to the likes of Digital Underground, DJ Jaz…… Read “New release: The Cassette Tape Bandits' Rapper Exchange Program!”
New release: Pot-C and C-Doc are Cassette Tape Bandits!
Pot-C (of Cheese N Pot-C) and C-Doc (of The Impossebulls) both came to blocSonic from completely different paths, yet the similarity of names and a similar approach to hip-hop makes this a collaboration made in kismet. It was simply meant to be that they’d team up for a collabo such as they’ve don…… Read “New release: Pot-C and C-Doc are Cassette Tape Bandits!”
New release: BreakBeat Chemists I!
BreakBeat Chemists is a dope new project started by director/producer extra-ordinaire David ‘C-Doc’ Snyder as an outlet for him to drop instrumental gems and to provide a future collaborative platform to work with other like-minded hiphoppadopadelic producers. This premiere BBC selection is only…… Read “New release: BreakBeat Chemists I!”
New release: Hey You Guys! Cheese N Pot-C drops their latest single
Today we’re closing out this month of FRESH hip-hop with the help of Cheese N Pot-C and their great new single, Hey You Guys. For those of us who were kids during the early to mid 70s… the phrase “Hey You Guys!” conjures up memories of tuning in to Electric Company, an incredibly popular kids show…… Read “New release: Hey You Guys! Cheese N Pot-C drops their latest single”
New release: Cheese N Pot-C drops their new album, "Blue Bins"!
It’s with great pleasure that I present to you the new Cheese N Pot-C album, Blue Bins! CNP return with nearly an hour’s worth of classic boom bap hip-hop. If you dug EXPLWORAZ, then get ready. If this is the first time you check out their brand of hip-hop laced with a touch of humor… enjoy and ch…… Read “New release: Cheese N Pot-C drops their new album, "Blue Bins"!”
New release: Tha Silent Partner's Platters series continues with Act 6!
In 2010, after having featured No Mas from Tha Silent Partner’s debut Platters Act on netBloc Vol. 11: The Raw and the Cooked, we released the then Complete Platters Sessions XE, having little inkling that the series would be going on strong long after. Of course, the series has continued on wit…… Read “New release: Tha Silent Partner's Platters series continues with Act 6!”