Podcast News

BLKJK stops by to give Pot-C the scoop on what lead him to blocSonic and what's to come

We’re psyched to have BLKJK stop by for this November 2020 episode of Tha Bloc Report! In the interview Pot-C finds out a little about his musical path to blocSonic and what may be in the works for the future. As always Pot-C spins new and hot blocSonic tunes, including music by OWTRIPLEBANG, MBX,…… Read “BLKJK stops by to give Pot-C the scoop on what lead him to blocSonic and what's to come”

Pot-C gets the scoop on what Moki Mcfly’s up to in the latest episode of Tha Bloc Report!

This month Moki Mcfly stops by Tha Bloc Report! In the interview Pot-C finds out the background about Moki’s artist name and exactly how to pronounce album and song titles. He also finds out what he’s up to these days. As always Pot-C spins new and hot blocSonic tunes, including music by Danke Sun,…… Read “Pot-C gets the scoop on what Moki Mcfly’s up to in the latest episode of Tha Bloc Report!”

OWTRIPLEBANG stops by Tha Bloc Report to catch up with Pot-C!

That’s right folks, this is the OWTRIPLEBANG Episode! This time Pot-C shoots the breeze with OW!!! to learn a little bit about this mysterious artist and what he’s been up to recently. As always, you’ll also be able to hear the latest and hottest from the blocSonic catalog. Music by Viktor Van River…… Read “OWTRIPLEBANG stops by Tha Bloc Report to catch up with Pot-C!”

The D3Zs stop by Tha Bloc Report to talk with Pot-C!

It’s been six years since we’ve heard anything from the D3Zs. Perhaps them stopping by Tha Bloc Report to talk with Pot-C is a sign that something is in the works? We can only hope! In addition to learning what’s new with those guys, Pot-C catches us up with what’s new and what’s hot on blocSonic t…… Read “The D3Zs stop by Tha Bloc Report to talk with Pot-C!”

Pot-C returns with More Music for the Soul on this month’s Tha Bloc Report!

Over the past couple months we’ve dropped a huge amount of new music on you. So, with this June 2020 episode of Tha Bloc Report, Pot-C wanted to spotlight music from all those releases. Considering all that’s been going on in the world, it seems like a good plan to simply deliver some good tunes to…… Read “Pot-C returns with More Music for the Soul on this month’s Tha Bloc Report!”

Tha Silent Partner delivers a BOXLUNCH and Pot-C talks to Ta2mi on Tha Bloc Report

If you’d say we’re on fire with all these great releases that we’ve been releasing during this COVID-19 pandemic, we wouldn’t argue. We’re happy to continue to bring you great new music and interviews! Today we return with new music by Tha Silent Partner and another fantastic episode of Tha Bloc Re…… Read “Tha Silent Partner delivers a BOXLUNCH and Pot-C talks to Ta2mi on Tha Bloc Report”