“mp3” News

Enjoy netBloc Vol. 26: N.E.T.A.U.D.I.O.

I want to first send out a heartfelt Happy New Year to you all! May 2010 be a year in which we all set the wheels in motion for a positive and happy decade. For blocSonic, our first year featuring original releases was a good one and it was the year that we began planning the good things to come…… Read “Enjoy netBloc Vol. 26: N.E.T.A.U.D.I.O.”

Introducing “netBloc Volume 25: From Darkness Cometh The Light”!

According to Chinese philosophy two opposing forces, the yin and the yang, co-exist interdependently to make up universal existence. You cannot have one without the other. So it seems in many aspects of life that you cannot have the good without the bad and vice-versa. Life, death, love, hate, pea…… Read “Introducing “netBloc Volume 25: From Darkness Cometh The Light”!”

Introducing blocSonic’s fourth original release!

Hip-hop is an incredibly diverse musical genre that has a bad reputation no thanks to the American mainstream branch of it. People who write-off hip-hop as idiotic, materialistic, violent or misogynistic are only getting a small slice of what it’s about. Since hip-hop has become international ther…… Read “Introducing blocSonic’s fourth original release!”

Review of Formula’s “The Overcast Project”

Marvin at Free Albums Galore has taken the time to review another of our excellent hip-hop releases. This time around they've reviewed Formula's release. The Overcast Project by British hip-hop producer Formula is a moody piece of hip-hop accented by tight rapping by some gifted rappers including Z…… Read “Review of Formula’s “The Overcast Project””

Check the latest BSOTS podcast episode

Be sure to check out the latest episode of the Both Sides of the Surface podcast which features among it's fantastic line-up, “Rock On” from Luck & Ripps’ “The Catastrophic Connection”! Check it out here.… Read “Check the latest BSOTS podcast episode”

Sink your teeth into netBloc Vol. 24: tiuqottigeloot

After a couple back to back original blocSonic releases, I’m back to introduce you to the latest in the blocSonic netBloc series. This batch of netaudio gems is packed with ear candy. I have little doubt that you’ll find at least a couple tracks that you also call gems. Who knows, perhaps you’ll c…… Read “Sink your teeth into netBloc Vol. 24: tiuqottigeloot”