“mp3” News

Introducing the blocSonic xtra series

Hello everyone, let me introduce to you the blocSonic xtra series. These special collections feature CC licensed tracks that for one reason or another I couldn't acquire official permission to use but I find worthy of attention as they are some of the best net audio available. Since no formal permis…… Read “Introducing the blocSonic xtra series”

La Plus Belle Guerre, 10 more netlabel/net audio gems plus one

As promised, fresh from the Amadeus Pro development file, I announce netBloc Volume 3 (La Plus Belle Guerre). What we're currently witnessing IS the most beautiful war. A war for the ears of music lovers worldwide. A war between the RIAA/Major music industry and it's former and soon-to-be former cus…… Read “La Plus Belle Guerre, 10 more netlabel/net audio gems plus one”

Jamendo just got better, Archive.org should take note

I first heard about Jamendo when their interface was only available in French. It was still a bit underdeveloped and as such didn't hold my interest all that much. Recently I began to hear wonderful tracks available there being regularly featured at Black Sweater, White Cat. I just had to check them…… Read “Jamendo just got better, Archive.org should take note”

DRM & Digital Music Pricing (Upgrade 'The White Album'... AGAIN!)

The manipulators of the major music industry are masters of manipulation. They've had 100 years to perfect it to a science. Though, like anything else... even masters of any domain can slip up occasionally. Their blunder was going digital in the first place. Of course, the industry's short-sighted m…… Read “DRM & Digital Music Pricing (Upgrade 'The White Album'... AGAIN!)”