“netbloc” News
New release: Our 51st volume of the great netBloc series arrives! Discover some great free music!
Whenever I begin the process of listening for a netBloc release, I have to wade through such a large amount of not so awesome music. While doing so, when I do find gems, it immediately changes my mood and makes the task of finding more great music, that much easier. Once I’ve got about 30 or so gems…… Read “New release: Our 51st volume of the great netBloc series arrives! Discover some great free music!”
New Release: netBloc Volume 49 arrives!
Almost nine years since we launched the series and closing in on fifty volumes, our netBloc series remains a unique listening experience in the world of music. As it is, the #ccmusic / #netlabel community is one in which music’s primary purpose remains music itself… fame and wealth remain secondary…… Read “New Release: netBloc Volume 49 arrives!”
New release: The netBloc series returns to it’s regular schedule!
That’s right, the series returns with “netBloc Vol. 48: Still…”! Can you believe it? Last week I was listening to a podcast interview at the FMA and heard the interviewee mention blocSonic and how she used to love our netBloc series and it was too bad that we weren’t releasing those anymore. Wow! H…… Read “New release: The netBloc series returns to it’s regular schedule!”
New release: Volume 47 of our netBloc series has arrived!
As is the usual with our netBloc series, netBloc Vol. 47: Grooves For The Sentient is packed with incredible music from around the globe that’s been released under a Creative Commons (CC) license. There’s little chance that you won’t find something on it that completely grabs you. With this serie…… Read “New release: Volume 47 of our netBloc series has arrived!”
New release: #returnofthenetbloc!
After a shocking nine months since the last netBloc release, I’m very happy to say that we return today with Volume 46 of the series with “#returnofthenetlboc”! The reasons for such a lengthy delay are many… among which are… busy release schedule… difficulty locking down all tracks, causing a reco…… Read “New release: #returnofthenetbloc!”
New release: netBloc Vol. 45 arrives!
With Volume 45 of the excellent netBloc series, I wanted to pay homage to my childhood home at 45 Old Orchard Ave, where my lifelong love of music first developed. Growing up there, music figured large in my life. My earliest memories recall certain songs played in the home stereo that, to this…… Read “New release: netBloc Vol. 45 arrives!”