“rolling stone” News

Dallas Kincaid and His 5 For Insight

Ok, I know… I know… you didn’t download netBloc Vol. 18’s 42 page liner-note booklet… pfft… now I’m just rubbing it in your face that you’re missing out by not downloading netBloc PDF booklets. Raw dog rockabilly style… here’s a mini-interview with Dallas Kincaid. 01 - Why free music? I didn’t want…… Read “Dallas Kincaid and His 5 For Insight”

Seiurte gives us their 5 for insight

Here's a fresh 5 for insight for you all — even for those of you who downloaded and read netBloc Vol. 17's PDF. Seiurte were tied up with touring and what-not and were only able to get responses back a couple days ago. So here you are, let the insight begin… 01 - Why free music? Music has changed a…… Read “Seiurte gives us their 5 for insight”

Queue the violins...

...and the let the sob story begin. Go read Rolling Stone's recent article The Record Industry's Decline: Record sales are tanking, and there's no hope in sight: How it all went wrong and have yourselves a laugh. The mainstream music industry still can't admit that they're wrong. Sure they admit tha…… Read “Queue the violins...”