Ant The Symbol “I'm Not Them (1 of 3)”
Some say he’s able to create complete albums at the snap of his fingers. Others say that if he were to let loose all his sonic algorhythms, you’d surely go mad… so he holds back until humanity is ready. Still others say that he’s known as Just Plain Ant when in human form. Surely the ones who come up with these stories are the mad ones!
Ladies and gentlemen… introducing Ant The Symbol. Turn on and fade back.
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- Catalog Number: BSMX0064
- Release Date: October 8th, 2013
- Running Time: 30:45
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
If the above license doesn’t already do so, we explicitly authorize the use of this release during for-profit DJ performances, radio broadcasts and in online DJ mixes. We do ask that you notify us of your use for our own curiosity and that blocSonic and the album artist are attributed and linked to where possible.
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