Deadly Combo “The Vault”
It’s been a couple years since we’ve heard anything from the originally New York City based group Deadly Combo. Well, we’re very happy to say that that ends today with this EP consisting of a few dope joints that were recently brought out of The Vault, updated and finessed for 2016. The Impossebulls’ C-Doc was even brought on to lend a hand!
Enjoy this collection of raw, New York style boom bap… whether you bump it in your ride or in your headphones!
A huge welcome back to Deadly Combo… it’s been a minute and it’s great to finally be able to drop more gems on listeners’ ears! Massive thanks also goes out to C-Doc, Cable, J-Mellow & Phiktion!
Of course, thanks once again to you for downloading & listening. We always strive to deliver the music you’ll love. Please spread the word about blocSonic, if you enjoy what we do. Remember… everything we release is cool to share! Always keep the music moving… share it… blog it… podcast it! If you’re in radio… support independent music and broadcast it!
- Catalog Number: BSMX0152
- Release Date: December 6th, 2016
- Running Time: 24:30
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
If the above license doesn’t already do so, we explicitly authorize the use of this release during for-profit DJ performances, radio broadcasts and in online DJ mixes. We do ask that you notify us of your use for our own curiosity and that blocSonic and the album artist are attributed and linked to where possible.
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