Various Artists “netBloc Vol. 48: Still…”

That’s right, the series returns with “netBloc Vol. 48: Still…”! Can you believe it?

Last week I was listening to a podcast interview at the FMA and heard the interviewee mention blocSonic and how she used to love our netBloc series and it was too bad that we weren’t releasing those anymore. Wow! Has it really been that long since we released one of our tasty and eclectic compilations? Yeah, it most definitely has. We last released one all the way back in October of 2014, when we released Volume 47.

So why did it take so long, you ask? A side effect of having this great new website is the fact that it had to be developed, designed and then launched, which really left me very little time for all that releasing a netBloc entails. I intended on finally releasing one at the end of July, but with it being mid-summer and feeling a bit burned out after the launch and Netlabel Day, I decided to postpone the release until August. In August I got the ball rolling but a lag in artist communications and still feeling a little burned out, I postponed it again until today.

Consider this a return to form and a more consistent netBloc bi-monthly release schedule will ensue. netBloc fans and participating artists, thank you for your patience.

This time around we’ve got eleven tasty tracks from all over the world… blues, rock, pop, indie, trip-hop & downtempo. With so much Creative Commons licensed music available, it’s always so difficult to narrow a release down to 10 or 11 tracks, but I think that I’ve picked an incredible selection for Vol. 48. I sure hope you dig it.

A huge THANK YOU to all participating artists and labels! This series exists to promote your excellent music, but couldn’t happen without the active participation of everyone involved. I’m always so thankful when an artist and/or label wants to be involved, it means alot.

Of course, thanks once again to you for downloading & listening. We always strive to deliver the music you’ll love. Please spread the word about blocSonic, if you enjoy what we do. Remember… everything we release is cool to share! Always keep the music moving… share it… blog it… podcast it!

  • Catalog Number: BSCOMP0048
  • Release Date: September 25th, 2015
  • Running Time: 42:26
  1. Molodoys - Blues do Cangaç̧o 5:31
    • Genre:
    • Year: 2015
    • Label: Independently Released
  2. cellardoor - Memories=Lies 5:03
  3. Emerald Park - GO!GO!GO! 4:29
  4. Roger Plexico - Demon’s Alley 3:33
  5. Solar Estates - Wild Waste 4:15
  6. Robin Mitchell - alès 2:13
    • Genre:
    • Year: 2015
    • Label: Independently Released
  7. Kirk Pearson and BIT - Breathe in the Static 4:22
  8. Broken Ideas - Elba 3:13
  9. Louis Lingg and The Bombs - No One’s Illegal 3:33


Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License This work’s album art and booklet is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Individual tracks retain their original licenses and may be more restrictive. Please view individual track page or PDF for track license information.