Various Artists “netBloc Volume 15 (this album won't eat your gas money)”
Put your wallet away, you won’t need it.
Some of us who are old enough have already lived through one energy crisis, though perhaps don’t have clear memories of it. 30+ years later and we’re experiencing the beginning of another. This one could turn out to be a much nastier event. In fact, many believe that this one won’t have an end until an alternative is discovered. The question of whether we’re approaching, have reached or have passed “Peak Oil” is hotly debated and it’s the answer to this question that tells us whether or not we will, in fact, see an end. Is it peak oil? Is it market manipulation? Whatever the reason for the developing crisis, it’s tough on the wallet when it costs a bare minimum of $45-50 a pop to fill the gas tank. It’s during times like these when music means the most unfortunately it’s also times like these that there’s less extra cash available for music purchases. Don’t fret though, here’s a dose of the good stuff… and it’s free.
However… if you really want to throw a few dollars to music… support the artists on this or any netBloc compilation by visiting their sites and donating or buying CDs.
Oh… and one more thing… these days the best music available doesn’t come from your mall, most won’t hear it on the radio and you damn sure won’t see it on MTV, BET or the other craptastic Viacom-owned networks. You’ll find it online and it’ll usually be available for FREE download. If you haven’t caught the netaudio bug yet… you will. It’s only a matter of time. Perhaps this is the compilation which will infect you.
Kick back… enjoy. What we have for you this time around is 10 more tracks featuring Brazilian pop, Italian ska, German electronica, Portuguese pop with a twist of German electronica, American hip-hop and pop/rock, International instrumental hip-hop and trip-hop and finally pop/rock coming to you straight outta Sweden. As always the PDF is packed with extensive liner-notes, artist promotional photos, album covers and individual track reviews, so don't overlook it as it's the perfect companion to browse through while listening.
Mike Gregoire
- Catalog Number: BSCOMP0015
- Release Date: June 28th, 2008
- Running Time: 33:35
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This work’s album art and booklet is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Individual tracks retain their original licenses and may be more
restrictive. Please view individual track page or PDF for track license
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