Various Artists “netBloc Volume 16 (Sweet Sixteen)”
Volume 16 has arrived! Another terrific collection of 10 netaudio gems from the world over. Now that it’s arrived, I can fill you in on behind-the-scenes type stuff. In between netBloc related tasks, I’ve been busy seeking out the best PHP framework to utilize in the development of the next version of All this to say that a new version IS in the works. With a new version will be improved user functionality, a charting system and new user types to allow for news from other sources beside myself. I’ll also be looking for a couple volunteer writers/news-gatherers/interviewers. If you’re someone who enjoys digging through netaudio as much as I do and would like to join blocSonic for the ride, I welcome you to email me with a little info about yourself and links to examples of your netaudio/Creative Commons/music writing. Remember, initially the writing positions can only be on a voluntary basis as blocSonic currently doesn’t bring in any revenue. As blocSonic develops and revenue streams are created, blocSonic writers will naturally be part of it. Come join the revolution!
If you don’t want to volunteer as a writer but want to help us out, there are other ways you can. If you run a netlabel or are a music artist that provides your music free of charge online licensed with a Creative Commons license, send us your netaudio news. We’ll gladly help promote your music releases or events! Help us fire up the revolution! If you’re an artist who’d like to release your music for free with a Creative Commons license, but don’t have the means or know-how to do so, we may be able to help you. We’ve been considering releasing original blocSonic releases. If the response is positive, we may do so. Consider this a call to artists. If you’d like to be considered for a future original blocSonic netlabel release, contact us with an active email for a mailing address and further details. Keep in mind that we’ll be keeping our quality standards high and won’t work with just anyone. If you keep your standards high as well, then you should be perfect for blocSonic.
A little reminder to all our current and previous netBloc participants, we’d love it if you link to on your websites. Go ahead, show us some link love and complete the circle. :)
Now back to netBloc Vol. 16. In this release you’ll notice a new feature in the liner-notes. You’ll find a fun mini-interview for each participating artist. These “5 For Insight” interviews give you a bit more info about each artist… what influences them… what they like… what they dislike… do they plan on world domination… do they plan on being dominated… do they eat, drink or think… you get the point. Check them out… hopefully they add a little something extra you can enjoy while listening.
So here you have it, a fresh release for your aural enjoyment. Pop, Hip-Hop, Rock, Dance, Indie, Electronic, Trip-Hop… United States, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Argentina, Mexico, Italy, Belgium, France… Diversity? You bet. Part of the enjoyment of netaudio/netlabels comes from the fact that FINALLY, you can easily enjoy music from all over the world, no longer do you have a mainstream music industry pulling the strings and telling you what you should or should not enjoy. Those days are done. Enjoy another fine netBloc release presented to you by
Thanks as always to all participants and listeners. Without you, this couldn’t happen.
Mike Gregoire
- Catalog Number: BSCOMP0016
- Release Date: August 1st, 2008
- Running Time: 46:15
PDF archive download
Music archive downloads
Art archive downloads
This work’s album art and booklet is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Individual tracks retain their original licenses and may be more
restrictive. Please view individual track page or PDF for track license
- Monk Turner @ Bandcamp
- Monk Turner
- Monk Turner @ Facebook
- Monk Turner @ Twitter
- Monk Turner @ YouTube
- niwa @
- Agustin Strizzi (Gepel)
- Agustin Strizzi (Gepel) @
- Bufi @
- Elias Damian
- Elias Damian @
- The Harvey Girls
- The GrOOming @
- The GrOOming @ 51 Beats
- brunk
- brunk @
- Screenatorium @
- Screenatorium
- Boris Balkan @
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