8 - Daniel Maze - Ambulance Chase

It opens as quite an ambient track with subtle synth pads and soft keys. Then it transforms into something more in the realm of Pink Floyd with it’s quite Floyd-esque atmosphere and guitar. I dare you to listen to this segment and not think of “I Wish You Were Here”. Though you aren’t left with a simple rehashing of Pink Floyd... Daniel takes you past the familiar Pink Floyd aesthetic and closes things out with his own expansion to the sound. What you leave this track with is something altogether different from a Pink Floyd sound. Daniel Maze, give’s you something new. What you just heard is the Daniel Maze sound that perhaps gives a nod to Floyd.

  • Catalog Number: BSCOMP0011
  • Release Date: February 24th, 2008
  • Running Time: 43:08
Daniel Maze - Ambulance Chase 5:11